Monday, March 30, 2009

I've got news for you,

fancy ladies.

Do you want me to tell you about a store that has even better cupcakes than Sprinkles, Magnolia's Bakery, and Cake Fetish?

It's called the Any Lady With A Betty Crocker Cupcake Mix Made In Her Kitchen Store, and they have franchises in all 50 states!


  1. we just finished discussing this in the office. Literally maybe 2 minutes ago.

    But really Christian, you havent had the lemonberry cupcake from the Cupcakery in Vegas. It really is heaven on earth and i have tried duplicating it and its a joke. The thing is perfect and sent from heaven.

  2. It really isn't about the cake, it is about the frosting. The cake is just the vehicle. I guess I love good frosting, and no, the store bought kind is not good enough.

  3. I think Macy means the frosting in the cans at the grocery store, and I so agree. Chris, that store sounds like a great discovery! Is it in Alb? Where in Utah?

  4. Christian- you really can't have an opinion on this until you've tried all of them, right?

    I must echo Macy's comment- it is certainly all about the frosting. And, while I'm at it I must point out that the Dark Chocolate cupcake from Sprinkles is second to none.

  5. The Atlantic had a short article on the cupcake boomlet last month. It included a little experiment that I thought was just so exuberantly damning: The author and a few friends or relatives did a blind taste test of a few Magnolia bakery cupcakes and after tasting them, they literally could not even tell which ones were chocolate, vanilla, and red velvet. That kills me. And I agree- these things aren't about flavor at all. They dress it up a little cute to make it high end, but after that, a high end cupcake is every bit the bland fat-delivery vehicle that a ding dong is. Sorry ladies.

  6. Ryan's right. Ladies, I'm going to let you in on a secret. The awesomeness of designer cupcakes is all in your head. It's like if I sold a quarter to a 6 yr old for 5 dollars by telling him it was called a Super Cool Quarter. Even the frosting is no good. Every 5 yr old's b-day party I've ever been to has had much better cupcakes.

    When we were in NY we waited in line at Magnolia for an hr, paid something like 13 dollars a cupcake, and when I ate the cupcake I just thought "what the hud? Am I being punked? Davis is punking me."

    Ry, Skew, Bird, I responded to your comments on the Zion post.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. O.K, I WAS punked-- by this post!
    Ry and Chris you may be right-- I've never had one of the gourmet cupcakes; but Ryan, though these things are most certainly very effective fat-delivery vehicles, I don't accept that they (even Ding Dongs) are bland. Oh that they were!

  9. Mom, lolololololololol.

    When I read your first comment I thought "Is she being serious? No, that's not possible. She's being sarcastic."

    Thanks for being honest and making everyone's day much funnier.

  10. You're welcome. It's kind of my job.
